Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week Sixteen: Wrap-up

I enjoyed learning about all of the free tools available online that can be used to improve library services. My favorite project was making the video. I used the library’s Flip camcorder and learned how to use Windows Movie Maker. It was easier to make than I thought it would be (after dealing with some technical issues). Not only can the videos be posted online, but now I can help library users create videos at the library (something that teens have expressed an interest in).

23 Things Kansas was an empowering experience. Thanks to all of the people who created 23 Things Kansas! It was a great idea and I hope that the
program is continued in the future.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Week Fifteen: Wikis

I edited the library success wiki. It was fairly simple to edit the page once I created an account.

Using the wet paint wiki for 23 Things Kansas was interesting. Wet Paint allows users to create pages with videos and links very easily. Here is my page on the wiki. I greatly enjoyed 23 Things Kansas. Thanks to everyone who spent time creating the program!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week Thirteen: Slideshare

Here is the link for my slideshare video made using animoto:
Create Yourself. Animoto is very easy to use and I am very happy with the result. The video could be a great addition to the library website.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Week Twelve: Screencasting

I wasn’t able to download Jing because of the settings on my computer, so I tried out screencast-o-matic. I was able to navigate the site easily. Using the screencast software seemed to slow down my computer, making my narration a little awkward at times, but other than that I found that everything worked well. I did a screencast showcasing the Novelist features in our catalog. I uploaded the video to youtube and embedded it below.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week Fourteen: LibraryThing Etc.

I am posting my 23 Things out of order again! Hopefully I will catch up soon. I have used social cataloging sites for several years now. I started with LibraryThing and now use Goodreads. I started a Shelfari account, but didn’t want to catalog my books for a third time (though I might give it another try in the future). I think that LibraryThing has the best features; I like the tag clouds, suggested reading lists and access to readers with similar catalogs. I like the social side of Goodreads- I like getting email updates to see what friends are reading. For 23 Things I tried out the never-ending book quiz. I did OK, but definitely have room to learn!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week Ten: Video

Here is my embedded video (a tribute to the late Alex Chilton of Big Star- what a pretty song!).

Creating a video was an involved process, but I am very glad that I now know how to make one. I collaborated with our Teen Librarian, Rebecca Power, to make a video about the Teen Zone remodeling project. We used a little Flip videocamera. Then I used Windows Movie Maker to edit the video. After some compatibility issues (and other technology problems) were smoothed out, things were fairly simple.

Here is the video: